Can I Get a Dental Implant After Orthodontic Treatment?

Fortunately, most orthodontists and dentists agree that it is possible to place dental implants during orthodontic treatment, whether they are braces or aligners. However, some challenges can arise and may not always be recommended. In some situations, it's okay to place dental implants before receiving orthodontic treatment. One of these situations is when the teeth surrounding the dental implant don't need braces or treatment.

It would be good to place the dental implants before the braces are placed. In any case, it is always best to have the braces placed in your mouth by an experienced orthodontist and follow the treatment carefully. After a thorough examination and analysis of your medical history, our dental care team will develop an individual care plan that is perfectly tailored to your specific dental needs. Call the nearest OrthoCare Orthodontics office to schedule a free consultation and let us help you find the braces that best fit your exact orthodontic needs.

It's important to understand that full-coverage dental insurance doesn't guarantee that you're covered for everything. However, it will provide additional financial support for preventive services and core procedures that can save you money in the long run. Talk to an Aflac agent to see if you can get dental insurance that covers dentures and implants with no waiting period. Both dental implant procedures and orthodontic treatments are dental practices that aim to improve a person's smile.

Another situation in which it would be okay to place dental implants before wearing braces would be when the implant needed to be used as an anchoring point for braces. Dental implants are devices, usually made of titanium, that fuse with the jawbone and replace the natural roots of the teeth. If you receive a dental implant, you may need to receive some type of orthodontic treatment to optimize the placement and aesthetics of your new dental implant. Having dental insurance that covers implants can be very useful if you have difficulty chewing food or if you have any pain associated with dentures.

The term “full coverage dental insurance” refers to the plan's ability to cover a variety of different dental treatments and procedures. If a dental implant is absolutely necessary during orthodontic treatment, it's important to know the risks. If the teeth surrounding the implant area are not the target of orthodontic treatment, it is generally safe to place the implant before the braces are placed. Dental implants are extremely beneficial to patients and are used to replace teeth that may have been lost due to decay or even injury.

It's possible to perform a dental implant procedure during orthodontic treatment, but it's important to know the risks and the impact it can have on the process. Dental implants can't move once they've been placed in the mouth, which means that, even with orthodontic treatment, the implants themselves won't move. When dental implants are also inserted into the mouth during orthodontic treatment, patients often experience more general discomfort in the mouth. Since the dental implant cannot be moved once placed, orthodontic appliances will not work for that specific tooth; however, they can work for the other teeth surrounding the implant to create a beautiful, straight smile.

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