Can I Get a Dental Implant After a Failed Root Canal Treatment?

If a root canal treatment fails due to the root of the tooth breaking during the procedure, then the tooth cannot be restored and an extraction and dental implant is the only option. Endodontic canal failures can lead to a large number of jawbone infections and bone loss, which can make it difficult to place a dental implant even after extensive bone and gum grafting efforts. However, in most cases, it is possible to place a dental implant after a failed root canal procedure. When considering treatment options, all pros and cons should be taken into account.

We work with Niche Dental Studio, a local dental lab, to create dental crowns, bridges, or dentures. Residual bacteria in the surrounding bone adjacent to the implants as a result of a history of failed endodontic treatment can cause implant failure. Two of the included files (2.1%) identified implant failure in centers with a history of endodontic treatment failure. The identification of key factors related to the etiology and risk of periimplantitis and implant failure by the dental professional can minimize the risk of failure and improve the therapeutic approach when placing implants. If endodontics has failed and there is no way to remedy the situation, extraction and a dental implant may be the best option.

Immediate placement of the implant or a two-step approach that allows the area to heal before placing the implant are both viable options. Limited information is available in the dental literature on the effect of pulp pathology on the outcome of implant treatment. The main objective of one study was to analyze implant failure in patients with and without a history of endodontic treatment at the site of implant placement. The time elapsed between placement of the implant and second phase of surgery was 2.53±2.61 months, while 45.75% of implants were not submerged. Emphasis should be placed on early treatment of dental symptoms and regular dental examinations to treat tooth decay at an early stage. This will help reduce the risk of endodontic treatment failure and ensure that any necessary extractions and implants are done safely.

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