Can I Get a Dental Implant After Periodontal Treatment? - An Expert's Perspective

Periodontal disease must be treated before dental implants can be placed. It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene after treatment to reduce the chances of it developing again. Your periodontist needs to check your teeth, gums, and implants from time to time. The answer is yes, dental implants are very predictable even when there is serious periodontal disease. Serious periodontal disease is a death sentence for the teeth and surrounding bone, so the best strategy is to get a set of teeth for dental implants as soon as possible before you lose your much-needed bone to gum disease. Bone loss is an inevitable consequence of tooth loss and gum disease, so it is necessary to transition to dental implants as soon as you are diagnosed with serious gum disease.

There are many different ways to place full-mouth dental implants, and the success rate is almost 100%.Fortunately, advances in implant treatments and oral care allow dental implants to be performed even in patients who have lost most of their teeth due to periodontitis. It is important to understand that full-coverage dental insurance does not guarantee that you are covered for everything, but it will provide additional financial support for preventive services and core procedures that can save you money in the long run. Talk to an Aflac agent to see if you can get dental insurance that covers dentures and implants with no waiting period. Having dental insurance that covers implants can be very helpful if you have difficulty chewing food or if you have any pain associated with dentures. The preservation of the alveolar bone will ensure the future success of dental implants and the restoration of smiling, eating, chewing, biting, and all of the functions of the teeth.

However, if gum disease progresses and affects the ligaments and a large amount of bone support around the teeth, it is best to remove diseased teeth and place dental implants. If the patient has very advanced gum disease, the oral surgeon can determine if bone or gum grafting is necessary before dental implants are placed. Adequate hygiene is essential for everyone to take care of their oral health, but for patients with dental implants it is even more important since it will decisively influence the maintenance and durability of their implants, since they have a weaker natural protection than teeth against pathogenic bacteria. The implant surgeon will thoroughly examine the condition, height, and amount of bone and decide whether artificial bone needs to be placed before dental implants, or not. A dental implant consists of a titanium steel root that the dentist inserts directly into the jawbone to replace the missing tooth. The term “full coverage dental insurance” refers to the plan's ability to cover a variety of different dental treatments and procedures.

Gum disease, if left untreated, often causes tooth loss, leaving many patients wondering if they can get dental implants. According to the American Dental Association, most dentistry related emergencies can be directed to a dental office.

Dental implants

and periodontal diseases are perhaps one of the most complex relationships in dentistry. A dental implant is a popular restorative option among patients because of its natural feel, function, and appearance.Conclusion:
In conclusion, it is possible for patients with periodontal disease to get dental implants. However, it is important for them to maintain good oral hygiene after treatment in order to reduce their chances of developing periodontal disease again.

Additionally, they should consider getting full-coverage dental insurance in order to cover any additional costs associated with getting dental implants. Finally, they should consult with an implant surgeon who can determine if any additional procedures such as bone or gum grafting are necessary before getting dental implants.

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