What is the Most Common Cause of Dental Implant Failure? A Comprehensive Guide

As an expert in the field of dental implants, I can tell you that the most frequent and avoidable cause of dental implant failure is infection. At any stage during implant treatment, a bacterial infection can occur, leading to the implants to fail. Periimplantitis is a term used to describe an inflammatory response with loss of bone mass in the soft tissues surrounding implants. The most common reason dental implants fail is due to an infection in the jaw that surrounds dental implants, referred to as periimplantitis.

While implants cannot develop cavities, they are still vulnerable to gum disease in implant form. Osseointegration can take several months and varies from person to person. It is essential that, while waiting for bone and implant fusion to occur, the teeth are not subjected to any excessive pressure. Teeth grinding creates immense forces that prevent implants from fusing properly with the jawbone. If the implant is under too much stress, it will fail.

An infectious disease known as periimplantitis can cause inflammation of the soft and hard tissues surrounding the implant and cause loss of the supporting bone. Possible causes include smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, poor implant placement, poor oral hygiene, tooth decay near the implant site, and inadequate placement of crowns. Signs of periimplantitis include loss of bone mass around the implant, pus formation, bleeding gums, and pain near a moving implant. Dental implants can fail for a variety of reasons, but the most common (and most preventable) are infections and bone loss. You'll know that your dental implants are failing if you start to feel severe pain or discomfort in or around the dental implants, if your gums are swollen or inflamed, or if your implant starts to loosen.

Today's advanced technology, such as 3D imaging, when combined with a specialized provider, ensures the success of dental implants even when the lining of the paranasal sinuses has fallen off. Dental implants are a popular, reliable and durable solution for missing teeth, where a metal pole is surgically attached to the jawbone to support an artificial tooth. Unfortunately, one of the most problematic factors why dental implants fail is the way they are installed. However, it is still important to know the reasons for the failure of implants in order to prepare them properly and take good care of them. In most cases (90-95%), dental implants provide a successful and highly satisfactory solution for missing teeth. We've shared the most common cause of dental implant failure, but there are a number of other factors that can cause a dental implant to fail.

This usually occurs in patients with low mandibular density or in patients who suffer dental trauma after the implant procedure. A dentist who specializes in implants must perform a dental implant procedure that involves placing an implant in the upper arch. While dental implant failure is a major problem, it can be prevented with good oral hygiene habits and the expertise of expert dentists. Gordon is one of the best-trained dental implant providers in the Leawood and Kansas City metropolitan areas. Dental implants are sturdy dental replacements, but their success depends in part on good oral hygiene habits.

An experienced dentist will always treat gum disease and make sure your gums are healthy before recommending a dental implant procedure.

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